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Stronger Than This Page 20

  I had to end him, once and for all. Mentally, I was preparing myself for going in at night, and just slitting his throat. I motioned to Big Titty Rhonda who was tending bar.

  “Get me a coffee; strong.” She nodded. “I think we need to come up with a solid plan, and we need to keep it quiet.”

  “I agree,” Jules said, grabbing his roast beef club and taking a bite of it. Jenny came back and handed me my phone. It was powering on, as she placed it on the counter. I looked at it, and immediately saw the voicemail icon lighting up. I didn't even think to check my messages. I’d been so caught up in my heartache.

  I hit the button seeing Marie's name as the caller. My hand trembled, I wondered what she could possibly have to say.

  The message icon said it was three minutes long.

  “Mickey, it’s me. I know that seemed like I was in on something with Drake. He made it seem that way. He has Talon. I had to go with him. I have to keep her safe. Don’t come after me. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you too. I love you. Thank...”

  There was a small scuffle sound then I heard Drake say, “You love him? You fucking bitch.” I heard the phone land, and something hit it like it was being smashed. What I heard next killed me. Marie told him she loved me. Then there was some arguing, and some crying; and I knew he was raping her. There was no way she betrayed me and I just let her leave with him.

  She was there enduring the hell I’d promised to protect her from, and it was all from the one man that I hated more than any other.

  I believed his lies.

  I roared in anger, and picked up the bottle and threw it against the wall. Jenny and Jules stared at me in shock. I didn’t fecking care.

  I was falling apart, but I needed to be strong. I needed to get my girls. I had to go through the rest of my messages. I needed to make sure there wasn't another from Marie.

  There was a simple and sweet one from Maura, “Hey, Daddy. Love you.”

  The next was from an unknown number. I was most afraid to hear that one.

  What if it was someone calling to tell me Marie was dead? My fingers shook as I pressed the button to hear the message, “Mickey?” It was Talon. “A few of my dad’s henchmen grabbed me, and they are driving me back to Florida. I’m in Georgia. I managed to get away from them. I need you to come get me. I have to go. Call me back at this number, Mickey. I’m... I’m scared.”

  My heart was fucking broken. My girls needed me.

  I quickly explained to Jenny and Jules everything I’d just heard. Jenny was crying, and Jules held her. The door to the clubhouse flew open, and Zeke was there. “Mickey!” he rushed to me. “Talon called me. She’s in trouble and hiding from some seriously bad dudes.”

  “I just got her message. I’m calling her now,” I hit send on the unknown number and waited as it rang three times. Finally, someone picked up.

  “Hello,” a lady with an older voice answered.

  “Hi, this is Mickey McCafferty. Talon called me. Is she there?”

  “She’s been pretty worked up, and finally fell asleep. You’re going to help her, right?”

  “Aye. How did she come to be with ye?” I asked and motioned to Jenny that I needed a pen and paper. She quickly went to get me one.

  “I was pumping gas, and these two huge men were in the gas station. I didn't think much of it. The backdoor on their SUV creaked open, and she crawled out. Her hands were taped together, and I knew she needed help. She climbed into the backseat of my car, and I took off before those men came back out.”

  “Was she hurt?”

  “No, she seems okay, more shaken up than anything.”

  “Where are ye, now?”

  “We're at my house. I’m just south of Savannah.” She gave me her address, and I wrote it down.

  “Was it a newer or older gas station?”

  “It was a newer one. One of those big superstores right on 95”

  “Shite,” I mumbled. “There were probably cameras at the gas station. I need you to get out of your house right away. Those guys will track you.”

  “Oh, dear. Shouldn’t I call the police?”

  “They won’t hesitate to go after cops. Get her up. Get her in the car and take her to my friend's place.” I rattled off an address to a small chapter of Devil’s Crusaders that wasn’t far from Savannah.

  “Is this a cell phone, or yer home phone?”

  “This is my house line. I don't have a cell phone.”

  “Alright, call me as soon as ye get there. It’s about an hour and twenty minutes from where ye are. Don't stop. If anything seems suspicious, it probably is.”

  “I’m afraid.”

  “Thank ye for taking her in. Thank ye for helping my girl. Ye’ll be in my debt.”

  “No, need for that. Now, I must be going.” She disconnected, and I called my brothers in Georgia, and told them to be on the lookout, then I relayed my conversation with Jules and Zeke, who was shaken.

  “She’s going to be alright? Right Mickey?” Zeke asked.

  “I hope so,” I closed my eyes for a minute, taking everything in. Talon's hands had been bound, and Marie didn't feel like she had a choice, but to go with Drake. Marie had been raped, and I’d heard it. Marie didn't betray me. We had a different mole. I couldn’t trust all of my brothers.

  “Looks like there is a flight in three hours to Savannah from Philly.” Jenny stared at her phone.

  “What about to Jackson, Florida?” I asked.

  “Flying into Tallahassee from Philly, there isn't one for eight hours.”

  “Check every airport.”

  She did more searching and said, “Okay, looks like that tiny airport in Bethlehem has one in two hours.”

  “Book it.”

  “Jules, need you to get to Talon. I need to get to Marie, before it’s too late.”

  “I got you, brother.”

  “I’m coming,” Zeke said to Jenny.

  “Kid,” Jules started to say, but I cut him off. “Can you get two tickets, Jenny?”


  “Let the kid go, then. I’ll pay for the tickets.” I gave them a chin lift and raced out the door. If I was going to make my flight, I had to gun it.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Find her!” Drake yelled. “Ten hours! You haven’t known where my fucking daughter is for almost half a fucking day, and you’re just now calling me! Someone should’ve been at my place waiting for me, as soon as I got off my bike. Swear to God. You don't find my daughter, I’m cutting off your fucking nuts.”

  Ten hours – Talon had been gone. She was going to be okay. I looked around on the ground. I’d gotten most of the shards of glass cleaned earlier, but hadn’t had a chance to pick up the drawer of utensils that was tipped over. I spotted a large kitchen knife. The handle was just within reach, and Drake’s back was turned to me, not that he’d ever expect me to fight back since I’d never fought back before.

  I grabbed the knife and stood as quietly as I could. He hung the phone up and just as he was about to turn to me, I plunged the knife deep into his side. “I hate you. You piece of shit.”

  Drake was stunned, and for a brief second, he looked like he was going to drop. Blood dripped from his side, but I didn't have a chance to grab the knife back out of his side, or do anything else.

  His hand shot out, and he backhanded me, making me fly into the wall. “You stupid fucking bitch,” Drake roared. I looked for something else sharp and watched as he pulled the blade from his side.

  Blood gushed everywhere. Drake grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the living room. I twisted and turned trying to get free. Once in the living room, Drake let me go, only to punch me in the face.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you, you fucking cunt!” He grabbed his gun from the table and pointed it at my head.

  I knew I was about to die. I knew that there wasn't anything I could do, so I said what I needed to say to him, before he pulled the trigger.

  “You’ll never be a man like Mickey is. You kill me, but you're doing it knowing that our daughter will see you for the monster you are. Before you pull that trigger, I want you to know that I hate you. Mickey has my heart, and even if I'm dead, you'll never have that again.”

  He pressed the gun against my temple. I waited. I knew this was going to be the end and that there was nothing I could do to stop it. In that brief moment, before Drake pulled the trigger, I saw Mickey. He was an apparition. I felt stronger with his presence, and in that moment, seeing his face, I felt peace.


  I TALKED TO TALON AS soon as I landed and got her address. She was safe, scared but safe. Jules and Zeke were with her, so I knew she'd be alright.

  I needed to get to Marie. It took far too long for me to get a rental car at the airport. All they had was a goddamn Prius. I pushed it as fast as it would go, and I stopped at the first gun store I saw. In Florida, it was easy to get a gun. I just signed on the dotted line, and off I went. I pulled up to Marie’s house, and I didn't wait feel like I had a second to waste. I wasn't even sure what drove me to move so quickly, but my gut screamed go. I kicked in the door, hoping for an element of surprise. I was going to kill that motherfucker, as soon as I saw him. Nothing could have prepared me for what I walked in on. That sinking feeling came to fruition.

  Marie was beaten, bloody, naked, and on her knees with a gun pressed to her temple. For the quickest moment, the room seemed to stop in time. Love shone in Marie's eyes. They flashed resolute, and then they seemed to say good-bye.

  Drake grinned at me like he’d won.

  Marie mouthed my name, but no sound came out.

  I felt a beat of my heart, and then another.

  My heart was in front of me, and she was telling me good-bye. I’d given in to my hatred for Drake and let her leave with him, and she was silently saying she loved me as her eyes locked onto mine.

  Another heartbeat.

  Time started moving again and everything happened quickly.

  I raised my gun, aiming at Drake. I was always a great shot. I aimed for his head and squeezed. I heard another shot go off at the same time. The bullet hit Drake exactly where I wanted it to. He slumped forward, falling onto Marie. I rushed to Marie, pushing Drake off of her. Half his face was gone. All I felt was relief that he couldn't hurt my girls, again.

  Marie wasn’t moving. I grabbed her in my arms. It was then that I noticed she was bleeding from her head.

  He shot her.

  I didn't make it in time. He fucking shot her. “No!” I screamed. “God, no!”

  I held her to me, and felt the faintest of pulses. “Don’t leave me, love. Hang on.”

  Tears ran down my cheeks. I loved her so much. The ache in my chest felt like it was splitting me in two.

  I pulled my phone out and dialed 9-1-1, and prayed that they would get here soon. “Love, I’m sorry. I’m so fecking sorry, I wasn't quick enough. I’m sorry I believed him. I’ll never forgive myself for letting ye leave with him. He’s gone, honey. Come back to me. Be okay. I love ye. Be okay.” I pleaded and begged her. She had to be okay.

  THE POLICE AND AMBULANCE showed up. They wanted to question me about everything that happened, but I couldn't leave Marie's side. I wouldn't. They’d have to drag me away.

  I overheard two police officers talking. One was insisting that I be arrested and the other was saying, “I don’t care what the hell happened, this isn't the first time we’ve seen him hurt her, and you know it. As far as I’m concerned, we owe that man a debt.”

  They let me get in the ambulance with her. Her heart rate was erratic. They were pushing medicine through an IV.

  I rubbed her forehead and prayed that she wouldn't leave me. Once at the hospital, they rushed Marie back and I waited. The police wanted to get my story, but were giving me some space.

  A nurse approached me, “Can you tell me what happened, so we might get a better idea of her injuries?” I explained to her that Drake had taken their daughter and used it as leverage to get Marie to go back him. I told them that Talon was safe. The nurse gently suggested that if I could, I needed to get her here. So, reluctantly fearing the pain I Talon was about to be in, I called Jules.

  “Talk to me,” Jules answered.

  My voice broke, ‘Jules,” fuck I could barely get it out, “I didn't get here in time. She took a bullet in her head. She’s in surgery. I need ye to get Talon here, as quickly as ye can.”

  “I’m on it, brother.”

  “I need to tell Talon.”

  “No, I’ll talk to her. I’m going to borrow a bike. I don't want her freaked on the ride. I got this. You just stay strong for Tal.”

  “Call Maura.”

  “On that, too.”

  I gave him the hospital information before we disconnected, then I sat in the sterile, white hospital waiting room for countless hours.

  The police did eventually come over and talk with me, and was assured that they would look at it as self-defense. I was still by myself, when the doctor came out. I couldn't read his face, and I was an excellent fecking judge of character, so the fact that I couldn’t see what he was thinking unnerved me.

  “Are you here for Marie Bettinger?”

  “I am.” I rose from the seat and shook the doctor's hand.

  “I’m Doctor Orlic. Let me start with the good news. She’s alive.”

  I breathed out a huge lungful of air and inhaled again feeling like I was taking my first real breath in days. I closed my eyes for a moment, then looked at the doctor. “The bad news?”

  “We removed the bullet that was in her head. I can tell you it hit the part of her brain that stores memory. I don't know what the damage to her motor functions, her speech, her sensory functions, her memory, any of it will be until she wakes up, if she wakes up, and that’s a big if. She may not. The next twenty-four to forty-eight hours will help us determine and whether or not she will recover.”

  “What can I do?”


  The doctor gave me a sympathetic look, “She’s in Post-Op now, and then we’ll move her to the Critical Care Unit. We’ll let you know when we move her.”

  “Can I see her?”

  “Once we move her to the critical care unit.”

  I nodded and thanked the doctor, and then began a different waiting process. I wasn't sure what to do with myself, so I did the one thing I hadn’t done since I was a lad.

  I found myself in the hospital chapel. I was going to beg God, sell my soul, if I had too; anything. The chapel was a mini version of a church. There were only two rows of pews that could maybe fit three people on each. There was a Mother Mary statue surrounded by candles. A few were burning, but most were unlit. There was a small place to kneel in front of a statue of Jesus. I lit a candle and knelt, and said Hail Mary, after Hail Mary.

  I begged for forgiveness for all the sins I had committed. Then, I asked God to save Marie’s life.

  Tears flowed down my cheeks as I prayed to a God, that I hadn’t paid much mind to.

  “Not sure if yer listening to me. Maybe ye stopped long ago, but if there’s a chance that ye hear me, and I’m not doomed for damnation, please; please don't let this be it for her. Save her. Take me if you have to, but please God, please, get her through this. Hasn't she been through enough? Why? Why her? Haven’t I lost? Haven’t I endured? Save her. You owe it to her. All she’s had is pain. Please.”

  I sat for I’m not even sure how long until a nurse came to get me to tell me they were moving her to critical care. I followed her down a corridor and into the Critical Care Unit where I was told to wash my hands, and there she was.


  Hooked up to machines, but alive. She had a bandage around her head. Her face was bruised, and I could tell it was because he hit her. Her red locks fanned over her pillow. Even in her sleeping beat up state, she was still beautiful.

  I moved a chair close to her and grabbed her hand. “Love, I’m
here. Hang in there. I’m here. Talon’s on her way. She’s safe, baby. She’s ours now, okay? None of this separate living thing anymore either, okay? When we get home, Talon and ye will be with me. I’m never going to let anything else happen to ye. I love ye. I love ye so fecking much. Ye heal, love. I’ll be here, when ye wake up.” I closed my eyes, and in my head repeated the same pleading words to God.

  A while later, a nurse I came to know as Lindsey, told me I had friends here. I kissed Marie on her head, “I’ll be back, love.” I followed Lindsey out to the waiting area, and saw Talon, Zeke, Jules and Ash, a Devil’s Crusader from our Georgia chapter.

  Talon saw me first, and immediately locked eyes with me. I wished my eyes weren’t red-rimmed. She ran to me, and collided in my arms. “Jules wouldn't tell me anything. He just said that mom was hurt, and we needed to get here. Is she okay? I’m scared, Mickey.”

  I held her close to me, and sat down with her in the chairs where my brothers and Zeke were waiting. Zeke seemed protective over Talon, sitting close to her.

  “My sweet Talon. I want ye to know that ye have me. No matter what happens, I’m your family. Do ye got that?” Her chin quivered, and I could tell how strong she was trying to be. “First, good job on losing those Raiders. I’m proud of ye.” I took a deep breath knowing that everything else I had to say was going to be much harder. “I’m sorry. I didn't get there in time. Yer dad; he hurt her. Real bad, and I’m sorry to have to tell you this, and I hope ye’ll forgive me. I made it so he can’t hurt the two of ye ever again.”

  “Is she... is she alive?”

  “Aye, he shot her and she’s had emergency brain surgery. She pulled through, but the doctors say she’s still very critical and when she does wake up, I don’t know what will be damaged.”

  “But she’s going to be alright? Right, Mickey?” Talon started to lose it.

  “We need to be strong for her.” I held her, and she cried while Zeke rubbed circles on her back. After a few minutes, I asked, “Will you forgive me?” Talon pulled away from me and asked, “For what? You didn't shoot her.”