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Cut Wide Open (A Bleeding Scars MC Book 1) Page 8

  “Swear, you bite me, and you’ll regret it.” He thrust forward. I knew exactly whose voice that was, even though I hadn’t seen him yet. I coughed as he hit the back of my throat. He held his cock there and still held my nose closed. I couldn't breathe, but then his dick slid out again, only enough for me to gasp for air. Then, it was right back in there, choking me.

  “Do you know how beautiful your lips look wrapped around my cock? I told you I would have you.” He reached down and twisted my nipple. It wasn't sexy, it hurt. Everything hurt. Tears leaked out of my eyes as I gasped for air again. “No? What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” He slid deep into the back of my throat again and began to just thrust in and out. A quick slap to my breast and then another. I was being abused in such a vile way. “You’re my plaything, now. You’ll be here for as long as I like to use and play with as much as I want.”

  This couldn't be happening. There was so much pain. My entire body hurt.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing I could just pretend this all away. His dick pulled out and he slapped my face again, hard, so hard it felt like my brain slammed against my skull.

  “No, you keep those eyes open, and open your mouth again. I’m not done fucking it.” It was then that I realized that my hands were restrained behind my back. I complied, because what choice did I have? My mouth opened and he slid inside my mouth again. “Good girl.”

  I saw his face for the first time. His eyes, they were evil. So cold and calculating. They watched me with mirth. He enjoyed every second of this. I knew I was, in fact, his toy.

  He continued thrusting in and out, sometimes taking his time. It felt like he was delaying his own orgasm just to make this last longer. My throat burned. I gagged again, and I couldn't breathe. My vision was spotty. I thought I was going to pass out. I prayed that I would.

  He released me again, then pumped three times hard and fast until I was choking on his semen. The warm hot liquid filled the back of my throat. I coughed and coughed, but his dick was still jammed inside my mouth. Cum came up over my lips. He eased up just enough and ordered, “Swallow.”

  I swallowed as much as I could as he pumped gently on the edge of my lips. My jaw ached. My throat burned. My face felt like it was on fire. I could only imagine that it was swelling up fairly good. His dick left my mouth. I breathed in and out deeply, grateful to be able to pull air into my lungs. I was glad the assault was over.

  “You did well. Maybe I’ll reward you. Yeah?” Enrico asked. He sat me up, his hands sliding all over my body. It felt repulsive. It was like the devil was touching me and leaving his evil all over my body.

  I looked around, trying to see if there was any way out. I was on a bed. It was large with black satin surrounding me. There was a large armoire and dresser in the room and a few doors. There was one window with heavy black curtains drapes covering it. A large decorative rug with oriental swirls of reds and blacks covered the hardwood floor. There was a painting on a wall that scared me. It was black with shades of reds, and reminded me of blood dripping.

  He had a distinct cologne that I’d smelled before, something rich by Armani. I couldn’t place the name, but I remembered smelling it at the department store once and took a sample, thinking I’d like the smell on a man one day. It was instantly my most hated scent. It was everywhere, surrounding me.

  My arms were restrained behind my back and I was naked. I moved my legs and pulled my knees up to my chest. It wasn’t easy, since I didn't have use of my arms.

  I faced him. He tucked his dick back in his pants. His white dress shirt was still sharply creased. I watched as he effortlessly took off his cuff-links and set them down on a nightstand, then proceeded to roll his sleeves up past his elbows. His dark hair hung over his forehead and he had a look that made him look feral.

  He laughed. “Where are you going?”

  My voice came out weak and hoarse, “Please, let me go.”

  He grinned at me. His full lips turned up in a half-smile like he enjoyed me begging for my release. “Let you go? We’re just getting started, pet.”

  Fucking pet? I wanted to be sick. I wanted to fight, but he didn’t give me much of a chance for either. He grabbed me under my arms as if I weighed nothing. I tried to kick at him, but in a second, he had me flipped around and on my stomach. My legs were over the side of the bed, my ass out towards him. God, no. Not again.

  “No! Please no!” I cried out just as he thrust his fingers inside of me.

  “Shh, this will feel good, if you relax.”

  It was two fingers, then three. Nothing about this felt good. I cried and screamed, but the more I cried, the more of an assault he gave. I wished I could drift off and not endure this pain, but I was present and feeling every bit of it. I felt it when he slid in a fourth finger and then when he pulled them out and jammed his length into me, I felt that too. He was hard and brutal, smacking me in between thrusts. He played with me. Making me think he was almost done, only to laugh as I pleaded for him to stop.

  “Got news for you, girl. Viagra and Cocaine. I’m going to fuck you all night, and just when you think your pussy can’t take anymore, I’ll take your ass. I’m going to fuck you in every hole and in every way, and then when I’m done fucking my new toy, I’ll put you away until I’m ready to play with you again. You’re mine. My possession. I’m going to use you how I like, and there is no amount of pleading or begging that will make me stop. You’re in my domain. No one here will save you.”

  I felt those vile words too. I felt them right down to my soul. I knew I was lost, so I closed my eyes and cried until I had no more tears. I screamed until my voice was gone. And sometime later, after he raped my ass and did things to me that I never imagined possible, I finally felt myself drift away.

  When I woke up, I was no longer surrounded by black satin. The heavy scented cologne was gone. I was on a cot. A blanket covered my naked body and I no longer was tied. There was a toilet against a wall, as well as a shower. There was no curtain. There were no windows. I was in a cell. I realized I was, at least, by myself. I sat up wrapping the blanket around me and wincing in pain. I hurt everywhere.

  I tried to remember how I got here. Everything was a blur. I was at the club dancing. I had gotten the picture of Gun. Oh, God! Gun! I hoped like crazy that he was safe with Mrs. Warner. I’d felt funny on stage. I think I saw Gunner. Was that even real? Did he kiss me? I’m not quite sure. Then, there was Enrico grabbing me, taking me. No one stopped him. Did I fight? I remembered asking him why and telling him people would look for me. “You’re just another whore at a strip club. No one will search for you.” I remembered him mentioning I was in my new home. His home, in Colombia. And then there was a sting in my neck and it was dark. Next thing I knew, I was being woken up by his dick choking me.

  I rubbed my throat. It hurt so badly. I hated that man. Hated everything Enrico did to me. Hated every word he spoke to me. Looking down, I saw cum on my breasts. I decided I’d try to shower and wash his filth off of me. I attempted to stand and pain shot between my legs, bringing me to my knees. He probably tore something. I needed to wash him off. On my hands and knees, I crawled to the shower and reached up and turned it on. Ice cold shards pelted against my skin, but I didn’t even care. I’d rather be numb from the cold, than feel what he did to me.

  I’m not sure how long I sat under the spray, but at some point, the door opened making me curl up, afraid of another attack. A tray of food was slid inside along with a paper cup. I hadn’t thought about food. I hadn’t even thought about how much time had already passed, but seeing the tray, I realized I was starved. I shut the water off and crawled over to the food. My knees slipped on the cool cement as I moved. I knew I needed to eat, though. Enrico was a monster and I had no way of knowing how often I’d be fed. Fed like his fucking pet!

  A peanut butter and jelly sandwich and applesauce sat on the blue plastic tray. It reminded me of a kids lunch at school. I ate it fast, too fast. I was thirsty and reached for
the Styrofoam cup. Raspberry juice coated my sore, parched throat. I couldn't drink it fast enough, and before I knew it, my tray was empty. I crawled back to the cot, thinking about how broken I felt. Then, I climbed on, covered my naked body with the blanket, and felt my eyes grow heavy and fell asleep.

  I woke up feeling groggy and unsure of where I was. Looking around, I realized I was in my cell. My thoughts moved to Gun. I wasn't sure how long I’d been here already. I hoped he wasn't afraid. I hoped he was safe. He must be so worried. I hated that for him. The waterworks began again. I needed to find a way out of this mess. I needed to figure out how to get away from Enrico. Maybe I could let him do whatever he wanted to me, and I could somehow escape?

  I moved my legs and tried to see if I could bear weight on them. Pain still radiated, but when I tried to stand, I was able to hold myself upright. Well, that’s progress. I moved to the toilet and relieved myself, and climbed back into bed. I needed rest and I needed my body to heal, even though I had no idea when he would decide to come back.

  I pulled the blanket around me and stared at the cement wall. I wondered if Gunner ever thought about me? Staring at the wall, I replayed the time in my life when I felt loved.

  You cuddle me close to your body. We’re laying in the backyard of your house. It’s late and I probably should’ve been home hours ago, but we both know no one really cares where I am.

  “What are your dreams?” you ask me. It isn't the first time you’ve asked.

  The stars are bright tonight, despite all the streetlights. I wrap my arm around your waist and squeeze as I answer.

  “That it’ll be us, one day.”

  “It’s us, right now.”

  “Yeah, I know. But I guess I just don’t want it to end. You’re the only person I’ve ever really felt safe with, and you’ve always seen me.”

  “Trust me, Mouse. Too many people see you. You’re beautiful.”

  I blush and attempt to pull away. I’m not good with compliments especially because you really believe them. “No, you don't do that. You don't pull away. It’s me and you, Mouse. The two of us against the world.”

  You kiss me. Your lips press against mine and you slowly kiss me again and again until my lips part. Your tongue eases inside, but it’s nothing like the devouring kisses you usually give me. It’s more. It’s like you’re making love to me with your mouth, and you’re trying to get me to believe that I am beautiful.

  After some time, you pull away from my mouth and you kiss me everywhere. You start at my forehead and move to my eyelids, then my cheeks and down my neck. You take your time, not leaving an ounce of exposed flesh without your kiss. Then, once you thoroughly kiss where you can see, you take off my shirt for the first time. The warm air hits my skin and you blow on my nipples making them instantly hard.

  “So beautiful, Mouse,” you say kissing my collarbone, the sides of my breasts, and skipping my nipples, you move to my stomach. It’s one of the first times in my life that you make the need inside of me feel like it can explode. I had no idea I could want you so much, but I’m not ready and we both know that. Finally, after my torso is kissed completely, you move back to my breasts. With deliberation, you kiss my nipples. Slowly at first, alternating between the two until I am arching for more. You pull my nipples in between your full lips and suck them. Your tongue and teeth flick and pull making me moan.

  “Jesus, you’re sensitive. I could taste your skin all day, but you’re making me so goddamned hard, it hurts,” you pant. Your hazel eyes look up at me and they’re wild. I wonder if your patience is slipping.

  Unsure of myself and what to do, I reach down and rub my hand on your cock. You groan. I love the noise. “God, baby. This isn't supposed to be about me.”

  My breath hitches. You’re so hard. I can feel you straining against your jeans. You reach down and undo a button and pull out your long, thick dick. I haven’t seen it before, so I’m surprised by your size. My palm clumsily runs up your silky shaft. Your skin is so smooth, but my movements are inexperienced and jerky. “Relax,” you whisper as you place your hand over mine, and set a steady rhythm. Once it seems like I have the hang of it, you let go of my hand and move your head back to my breasts sucking and making me want. Want what, I’m not really even sure. I just know I need more of the pleasure you’re giving me.

  “Can I touch you, Mouse?”

  I look up at you and nod that I want that.

  “Can I stick my fingers inside of you? Can I feel you squirm until you’re cumming on my hand?”

  God, I had no idea you could be so dirty. “Gunner,” I whimper as your hand slips in my jeans and your finger begins to slowly swirl on my clit.

  “Say it, Mouse.”


  You grin and then tell me, “Keep pumping.”

  I didn’t realize I’d stopped, so I begin again, but my breath catches as you penetrate me. Your finger moves inside me. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt anything in there. I would’ve thought it would hurt, but you push in gently and bring my moisture out and rub it around my clit. I have my first orgasm that night. It’s exciting, but what is more exciting to me is that I give you yours. The look on your face was my precious gift. I’ll always think about it.

  The creaking of my door took me from my thoughts. I pulled my knees up to my chest waiting to find out what would happen next. Would it be Enrico? What would he do to me?

  I steal a glance to see one of Enrico’s men carrying a tray of food. “Please help me,” I whispered.

  The man blinked at me and then set the tray down.

  “Why am I here? Why is he doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this?” I didn’t think he’d answer, but I hoped. I needed something.

  The man with nearly black eyes darted his eyes to the left and right making sure no one was listening. “Shut up, puta. You’re a toy to him. This is what he does. He finds the girls with your look and he uses them for as long as he likes. You shut up and make your pussy useful, you live a while. You whine, maybe not so long you live. The last girl, live not so long,” he shrugged like he was indifferent to it. Could that be the only reason I was taken?

  The food tray clattered as it hit the cement floor and the man’s boots echoed on the hard floor as he walked away like he hadn’t just delivered another punch.

  I was on borrowed time. I tried not to think about his words, but they sat in the back of my mind. What kind of psycho was I with that did this to women simply because he could? I had to survive this. I had to.

  Eyeing the food, I wasn't as famished as I was the last time, so this time I kept the blanket wrapped around me as I grabbed the tray and brought it back to the cot. I took my time eating, then drank the cool juice. My throat felt better than yesterday. Yesterday? Could that have been a whole day ago? I had no way of telling how often they were bringing food or how long I slept. My thoughts moved back to Gun and I hoped he didn't think I abandoned him. I hoped he knew how much I loved him. What if Mrs. Warner calls DFS? What if they send him to a home that hurts him? No. No, I can’t let my thoughts go there. I had to just pray that he was safe and if she did call DFS, he is placed with a loving home. My eyes begin to feel heavy and thoughts of a perfect life for Gun help me drift away.

  Chapter Eleven Charlie

  I was being moved. Hands were under my armpits and my feet were dragging along the ground. I tried to blink, but my eyes were heavy. Too heavy. Blackness-- the heaviness felt like a blanket suffocating my senses.

  Something was cool beneath my skin. I was laying down. My eyes still too heavy to see where I was. What was happening?

  Pain, blinding pain, beyond anything I could imagine. I was screaming. My eyes flashed open just as they pulled away a large… Holy shit, was that a branding iron? The smell! Oh God, the smell. Was that my flesh? The pain was so intense. Bile hit my throat, and I couldn't help but throw up. The side of my face was pressed against a cold metal table, but I couldn't move my head. Vomit went off the side and
hit the floor, the splash echoed in the room.

  “So Carajo tenemos Alguen que vomita mucho.” “Oh, shit. We have a puker,” a man said in Spanish. I took two years of accelerated Spanish classes, and would study more of the language at the library in my spare time. I couldn't let on that I understood them. I didn't even understand why, but my instincts said that I might need to use something I heard. Another man laughed, and I cringed as the pain on my back began radiating.

  “It hurts. Make it stop. It hurts so bad,” I cried out and heard yet another laugh. These men were all monsters.

  “Ponga la perra de su miseria.” Put the bitch out of her misery.

  I felt a prick and then everything began to numb. A second later, my vision blurred and then... blackness.

  I blinked. I was laying on my stomach back in my cell. Pain, so intense, made my back throb. I remembered the branding iron. Who the fuck brands someone? I needed to use the bathroom, but the moment I tried to move, nausea hit me and the room started to spin. I had to be drugged. As I l tried to lay still and not move, I realized you were here, sitting on the edge of the cot.

  “You’re here.”

  You cocked your head to the side and looked at me curiously. Your hazel eyes were soft and caring. The scruff on your face was days old.

  “Why did you leave me? Why did you let him take me?” I wanted to touch you, but my hands were like jelly. I wondered if you were still the same.

  You don’t answer me.

  I looked at your clothes, you were wearing a SAMCRO t-shirt, black jeans and boots. Your hands ran through your hair, the way they did when you were deep in thought.

  “Do you know what he did to me? Do you know what they did to me? Do you know what I had to do?” I asked you question after question, but you did not answer. You continued watching me and then you reached for me, but started to fade. You weren’t there. “No, don’t go,” I pleaded. I needed you here. I began to cry. The pain in my back hurt. My head spun. I wanted out of this hell.